Monday, August 24, 2015

On Kings of War

Went to the big KoW bash at Tabletop this weekend and got in a couple of games. One was at 1000 points and one was a team up with 2000 points to a side (1000 each).

1) Wow. It's an easy system to play. The rules are simple and straight forward.
2) Movement is important. With only the chargers attacking, being the one who charges is vital.
3) Flanks and rear charges are right the hell nasty. With double or triple attacks, a horde of trolls deals our 36 or 54 attacks. On Saturday, I used a rear charge from a five elf unit of cavalry to rout a horde of beast-men with a rear charge.
4) While there are special rules, there seems to be no dominant special rule that negates whole armies.
5) As usual, I need to paint more. While I can throw down about 3000 points of painted elves in WFB, I can only get about 1500 in KoW. With orcs and goblins, I've got about 3500 points painted, but only about 1000 each in KoW as they are separate armies. With the allies rule, I can use some of one in the other, but only a quarter of the total.

Oh well. Back to the table.

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