Monday, May 23, 2016

Can't Leave Well Enough Alone.

I have the models to make a completely painted army for Bayou Battles without painting a single model. I really do. However that's not the army I want to play. I still want it to be orcs, with troll and savage/morax regiments as the bulk, but I want some cavalry, and not goblin cavalry, which means painting. And I really like how the krudger on the winged slasher played, so I need to paint that. And I need to finish up the war drum, because its pretty awesome too.

At least I can get into some looking multi-basing with the gore riders since the models I have don't rank up well at all.And you know, I've got enough savages to completely redo those units as well...

Saturday, May 21, 2016

Things you find in the closet...

In September of 2013 I made a 2 1/2 gallon batch of cherry melomel (cherry mead). I bottled it in May of 2014 on the day a friend walked the stage to receive his BFA, so I named it in honor of him, Scholar's Robe. It turned out pretty good. I used clover honey, 100% cherry concentrate I picked up at a hippie grocery, and a yeast called Assmanschausen (sp). I cannot recommend that yeast highly enough, as it makes an amazing mead, and this one was no exception. It was nice and sweet; best served chilled.

I ran out of the stuff far quicker than I thought I should have, and by 2015, there was not another bottle of it in the house, or so I thought. Last month I found six bottles squirreled away in a closet. Two were consumed for testing, one gifted to the friend's wife who missed out when we were drinking most of the batch as she was pregnant at the time, and one gifted to an SCA queen on the day she chose her champion. There are now two left, and one is spoken for. How long can that last bottle make it? I'm not betting on it making it very long.