Monday, August 17, 2015

Bayou Battles Report

Bayou Battles is in the books and once again, I took a savage beating. After a convincing win over a Dwarf army in round one, my orcs got their comeuppance again and again. Rounds two and four were against armies of small cavalry units, and I had no answer for them. Rounds three and five, I had possible answers, but bad deployment and bad decisions threw the games my opponents' way.

However, I took the opportunity to try out my recently inherited D40 and document the armies that caught my eye. Sadly, I know there are some armies I missed, like the cow/dwarf army from my game three and the ship-bound high elf army. There were also at least two beautiful tomb kings armies I missed and another wood elfe army I know of that's really nice.

If anyone recognizes an army and can put a name to it, please tell me so I can add a name. If it's yours and you don't want the photo up, let me know and I'll take it down.

My offering to Bayou Battles this year.
Dwarfs - Andrew Heinrich

Tom Dietzel's Orge Kingdoms Army

I'm not sure if he was going Dwarf or Chaos Dwarf, But I like the army. I don't know his name, but I see him at every event.

Ogre Kingdoms - Jeff Franz
Dwarfs - Tim Delmas

Wood Elves

Ogre Kingdoms - Ryan Smith Took second in Player's Choice and third in Best painted (Or maybe those were reversed.)

Skaven - Jeremy Lamonte

Daemons of Chaos (or Warriors maybe) - Scott Filgo

Lizardmen (Yes they look like Spartans, but they're apparently lizardmen).

Dwarks - Pete Reese. The blades on the gyros actually spin, and the barrels of the guns light up.


Empire - Russell Helms Too second in Best Painted and third in Player's Choice. (If Ry'an's was wrong, then so is this one.)

Warriors of Chaos - Chris Cole (Not his army, but he was playing it.) The was my round five loss. The game was lost on the last combat of round six. Excellent game.
Ogre Kingdoms

Orcs and Goblins (Apparently with some lore of undeatch) Matt Reisch

Vampire Counts


Daemons of Chaos - Jeff Swann The photo does not do the display justice, not that the photos do any of the armies justice.

Warriors of Chaos

Dwarfs - Julien Lesage

Orcs and Goblins - Nate Culver

Daemons of Chaos - Edward Oh - (Won Player's Choice and Best Painted)

Daemons of Chaos - Chris Davis

Dark Elves



Chaos Dwarfs

1 comment:

Ryan Smith said...

Oooh, I can help!
* Tim D is Tim Delmas
* The Skaven army underneath mine is Jeremy Lamonte's
* The Daemons of Chaos army underneath it is Scott Filgo's, and I think it was actually Warriors.
* The dwarves with spinning copters were Pete Reese's.
* Russell Helms takes the second L in his name.
* The four-gyro Dwarfs list with the grey building on the board is Julien Lesage's
* The "purple is da new green" O&G list is Nate Culver's
* The Daemons of Chaos army below it is Edward Oh's, and took Best Painted and Player's Choice
* The Chaos Dwarf army at the bottom is Chris Davis's.