Tuesday, August 18, 2015

Hard Army, Soft General

I'd hoped to beat my previous performances at BB, with a total of 3 wins in 15 games, but it was not to be.

Game one was a lopsided affair against an grey and black (some priming had been done) Dwarf army. He had three blocks of 20, a block of 40, and two gyros. His plan was to use vanguard to get across the board really quickly, but he forted up in one corner of the table. So I put my troops in he center and my war machines in the other corner and made him come to me.

Between shooting and mangler squigs, the blocks of 20 were no longer combat effective by the time they got close enough for me to charge.  His block of 40 was down to about thirty, and were hard as nails, and managed to run things off from combat, but running off one of the three unit they were fighting was never enough, as they could never pursue.

Game two was against grey and black empire knights. six units of them. I simply couldn't keep up with them and was unable to stop them from going where they wanted when they wanted. He won by tying up my units in combat and taking out enough small stuff to get a win.

Game three was against a Dwarf list similar to game one, but it was cow themed and had a flying cow gyrocopter. It was awesome. I lost this game on deployment and a bad decision. I accepted a challenge from a named dwarf lord and lost my general, which made my trolls useless for three turns until they accidentally stumbled into combat. I'd also placed them to where they had to wait for space to clear to be useful. Even still this was a great game in that a few dice rolls at any point could have changed the course of the game and that my opponent was fairly determined that the game be fun for both parties.

Game four was a grey and black dark elf cavalry list and was a very movement dependent scenario. This game was going well until the final turn when part of the randomness of the scenario gave me one in the ear. We managed to finish the game because I loaned him some movement trays he had two in his entire army). VPs didn't matter, and the objectives moved. Right as I was about to grab the objectives with two units that he no longer had ways to deal with, both objectives randomly moved behind my troops so he could snatch them up with cavalry.

Game five was a beautifully painted Warriors of Chaos army that has killed me a couple of times before. The general was new, and I knew I'd need a good plan, good execution, and good dice to win. I had the first part. My one decent magic phase was turn six, when the game was essentially over. before that I got 4 or fewer dice each time. I also took a risk in double charging a unit of Skull crushers, hoping to wipe them out and blow through to the warriors. I left one with a wound and they charged me. In addition, I forgot about a flanking unit until it was too late. As it was, I lost the game on the last combat of turn six when he finally finished off my savages and the two heroes in it.

End result - 1-4 and a great time. I was (and am) annoyed that 3/5 of the armies I played were unpainted. Between the three of them, a total of one model was completed, and even it wasn't based.

I need to get better at playing, so I can play the more experienced opponents who have the painted armies.

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