Monday, June 30, 2014

The Deed is Done

My list for Bayou Battles is submitted. Swedish comp 1.13 says it's a pretty rough list. I don't know. I think I may be calling it suspect because it's my list and I have a pretty poor track record at GTs. I am betting I'll be getting fed to the lions in round one. I hope to beat last year's performance, at least, which shouldn't be too tough since I don't remember winning a game last year. (Just checked. I didn't.)

As it is, I'm really looking forward to the event. I'm just way behind on painting for a number of reasons. I'm committed to this army, but I am not sure I'll get it done on time.

Small Victories

While it isn't so much a painting victory, last weekend I figured out that between the roll of galvanized flashing I found when we moved into the house, a metal shear, and an anvil made from a chunk of railroad rail, I could make my own movement trays. 
I need a little practice to clean up the edges, but they'll do.