Monday, August 5, 2013

The Pillaging of Houston!

Okay, not so much pillaging, but when you go 0-5, you usually don't come home with loot from a tournament.
We arrived Friday evening, and before he broke out his paints to finish his ogres, and even before we cracked open the booze, Tom brought out the "care packages" sent by his wife. She even attached cards to identify them.
Just for showing up, we all got a "Bayou Battles X" pint glass. Andrew and I were drinking out of ours that night, while Tom finished his Ogres. He picked his up in the morning. I won a door prize as well, which I totally need!
In my first game I played Xavier, from the Wargamers of Arkansas. They gave their opponents beer mugs containing candy, salt and lime, and the following message. "An offering to a worthy opponent in anticipation of a battle well fought. May your death on the field be both glorious, and bold. ~ Compliments of WAR ~" Sadly, I'm on a low carb diet, so Tom and Andrew helped me out with the candy, and I'm drinking diet soda out of it instead of beer. For now. I can not say enough how much this meant to me as a show of sportsmanship and camaraderie. I am totally stealing the idea.
I'm not saying HOW a foam dart from someone's (Andrew) gun ended up behind the dresser with the TV on it, but in spelunking under the dresser to retrieve it, I found the dark fellow on the right and the barrel of TNT. At first glance, we thought he was a ninja, and were confused about how a ninja was going to remain stealthy using a barrel of TNT. More spelunking for the rogue dart uncovered the fellow on the left making us think, "Cool! A ninja AND a Pirate WITH DYNAMITE! You just can't beat that." Then we started paying attention and realized that the ninja was, in fact, a pirate, and while pirates with dynamite are cool and all, they are not as cool as pirates AND ninjas with dynamite.

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