Tuesday, June 30, 2015

Thoughts on the "Death of WFB" and the Birth of the "Age of Sigmar"

I never intended to get into WFB. I got into WFB due to my interest in 40K. I never intended to get into 40K. I got into 40K due to my interest in Mordheim. Mordheim was my introduction to tabletop mini games. Before that I'd used minis for playing D&D, but that was it. I usually borrowed a mini from a friend to be my character.

What made me finally get my own minis and start painting them and play games was a good group of people to play with. It started with one guy. He and I had some absolutely epic Mordheim campaigns, starting with 500 point (GC) warbands and generally retiring them when they got out of hand. I've still got some minis lying around that are missing an arm or leg, or have an extra head or tentacle.

Chauncey (real name, BTW), pretty much stuck to a couple of warbands. he had a pretty nasty witch hunter group, some tough Reiklanders, and a beastman warband that was coming along okay. I had just about one of everything. Reikland, Middenheim, Marienburg, WH, Chaos, Undead, Skaven, Ork, pirate, dark elf, shadow warriors. I had a warband for just about all occasions (most of them unpainted). Most of them I still have.

Part of me is wondering if any of those models might be appearing in an upcoming AoS army. For big games I still have way too many orcs and a whole lot of elves. but for a small game I may come out with any number of things. Who knows.

My wife refers to Mordheim as my gateway drug to miniature gaming. She's entirely right. I'm wondering now if Age of Sigmar will be that gateway drug that GW has been missing for so long.

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