Sunday, November 10, 2013

Getting Consistent, but not Really Good.

I've been to five GTs now, four fantasy and one 40K. I'm not as concerned about the lower rankings I'm getting due to battle points because my TKs and Necrons are weak lists. I have ideas on how to make them stronger. My orcs are a decently strong list already, I just need to get better at using them. Find a decent build and learn to play it. Sportsmanship will only be a concern if I start getting bad game votes, so no worries there that I know of.

Paint and appearance, though, I clearly need improvement on. My paint scoring has been pretty consistent, 16 and 16 at Bayou battles, with two different armies, and 56 and 56 at the two Alamo fantasy GTs with, again, different armies and with different judges. The lone flyer is the 59 I got at the 40K Alamo with my necrons. To me, the necrons are the weakest of the three as far as paint, but they are eye catching because they are a bright, shiny metallic blue. (Which I realize, painting them metallic damages my paint score too.) They are also unusual in that they combine old and new models yet somehow maintain the look of a single force.

So THAT is where I need to really focus on. Improving my painting and not rushing to get the army done. I was going to try to have a new army done for BB in August, but what I may do instead is try to pretty up my two existing armies, even though starting anew army is MUCH more fun than prettying up an old one.

To any who read this, if you are familiar with my armies and can tell me anything other than "get better at painting" or "slow down and take your time" which I'm already working on, I'll listen.

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