Thursday, November 7, 2013

Alamo GT Day Two

Not all of my good fortune was used up on Saturday, just most of it.

Game 4
Warriors of Chaos
I tried castling up and slugging it out, but it was not to be.

He brought many smaller units a demon prince, a herald and some individual chariots. After the casket bounced and damaged 3/4 of the units in his army in one shot, he spread them out to cut that out. I was doing well, even killing his demon prince by wilting it down to T2 after it attacked the tomb guard, but bad deployment allowed he herald into my backfield where he killed my casket and a unit of something (it wasn't fully assembled, so I don't know what it was) killed my catapult. On top of that, my death caster misfired after miscasting a purple sun and killed him AND his entire unit. That hurt.

Credit to my opponent. After turn five, the outcome was obvious, but he insisted we play turn six ONLY because if I offed another of his chariots then his win dropped from 500 points and change to around 400, which would allow me to steal two of his points. I fell wound short of getting the chariot, but what the hell, it was a good game. I lost all of my cav, my death caster, the hierotitan, my herald, and my war machines. He lost some chariots, some cavalry and his demon prince. He got as small a big win as he could, winning by just over 500 points.

Game 5
High Elves
First time I played high elves and this is an army my battle plan would not work at. Their shooting AND magic was better than mine and had longer range. Still, I had a plan that after deployment looked good. I even got to go first.

On my first magic phase I miscast with my hierophant and dropped him by two levels, removing the ability to make the TKs move faster.

On her first turn, she used her repeating bolt throwers to mow down the unit my death caster was with as well as him.

My second magic phase resulted in the loss the hierophant's other two levels.

She spent the rest of the game maintaining her range advantage and picking off enough cheap units to take the win by about 550 points, along with three of the four objective points.

By the end of day two I was ready to box up the TKs until 9th Ed comes out. Their tournament record is 1-8-1. Screw that though. I spent too much damn time painting them not to play them. I need to get my butt back to work and paint up some more options to make them less of a punching bag.

My castle plan doesn't work if there is no punch. The TG is a nice deterrent now and then, but nothing else I have can really take out other units.

Gonna run Orcs for a bit in tournaments while I figure it out.

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