Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Alamo GT IX Day One.

Going into the GT, I knew I would be an auspicious day, for I was playing an army of skeletons on the Day of the Dead. How could I lose. Oh right, I was playing Tomb Kings.

For fun the organizer, the admirable Mr. Baily and his capable staff showed us our Swedish Comp scores. Mine came in at a 6.9, which shocked me. I must have a poor understanding of the system because I can only come up with 10.1 when I calculate it. No worries though.

I had learned from Bayou Battles that the best thing I can do with this army is to make my enemy come to me and devastate them with magic. (It's a great plan really.) I tried to put the plan into action. My one photo of the army did not come out well, but it is essentially the same list I played in Houston except switching the death caster from lvl2 to 4 and the Tomb King to a Tomb Prince.

Game 1
My opponent played Empire with a Hurricanium, a war alter, a block of halberds with a detachment, a couple of units of handgonnes, one had a caster embedded and the other had a Hochland long rifle. He also had a cannon, a volley gun and some knights.

He went first and did a little moving and then miscast a Shem's burning gaze, sucking his caster into the warp killing most of a unit of hand gonnes (with the rifle) and wounding his cannon.

From there I hung back and used my cavalry to redirect his until they were face up with my tomb guard and had no desire to charge any longer. His volley gun had never been in range so he began to move it forward along with his troops, (who couldn't make up the distance in time.)

After my turn three he figured out I wasn't coming to him and by then it was too late to come to me in force. By then I'd killed his cannon, the other unit of handgonnes and lost two of my five man horse archer units.

The end result was a rather unsatisfying minor win against a great guy who ended up winning the sportsmanship award for the weekend.

Game 2
I remembered to get a photo, and it did indeed turn out to be an auspicious day for the Tomb Kings, just not MY Tomb Kings.
Bone on bone action. On turn one he killed my casket with his and managed to do a good job of denying my magic. Our main units never engaged and his other stuff mauled my other stuff. After turn four we called it because he was never going to kill my big blocks and I was never going to catch up on points. He won by about 700 or so and got the strategic objective for a big win.
Game 3
Warriors of Chaos - Mark of Nurgle on just about every unit
I deployed poorly and he killed everything but the tomb guard and the tomb prince.  This was the only game that my big unit of skeletons died. With my build and his build, he would have had to make some major mistakes for me to even have a chance at winning this game. As it was, I still did some damage, just not enough to make tallying up the score an issue. Big win for him getting the objective to boot.
So on day one I'd already almost tied my battle points from Houston, so I was feeling good. I had three games that despite any outcomes had been fun and against great people. A winning hockey game that night at the AT&T center made the day even better.

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