Monday, May 7, 2018

Long Time No Write

The last time I posted, I was still living in San Antonio. Later that week she was offered the job she'd been going for in Beaverton, Oregon. So here I am, 10 months later, living in a suburb of Portland. I managed to get some painting done, at first, but when I finally found a job, it ate my life for the first several months. Add to that the general lack of Kings of War or anything Mantic in the state of Oregon, and I really had no reason to paint. Our role-playing group was gone, I had no one to play KoW or Deadzone with, and there was little reason for me to paint, as I had no purpose for painted minis.

A series of events unfolded recently to rekindle my interest in minis. I then found the PNW KoW Facebook group, found out about Clash of Storms outside of Seattle in August. Then, to my surprise, I found out about Cascade Clash here in Portland next month. So I'm signed up. I'll be bringing the Orcs out again, and I hope to have the Elves re-based and ready for Clash of Storms in August. As of now, I need to paint up my second War Drum and finish he base for my second orcling regiment. I Might need to make a display board as well, as I don't know if my current army will fit on the old one.

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