Wednesday, August 24, 2016

Trying Something New

After the frenzy of Getting an army ready for Bayou Battles, I'm ready for a change of pace.  With that in mind, I decided to try to paint some Forge Fathers from the Deadzone boxed set. First, I based them in black with Valejo primer using the airbrush. My experience has told me to let that stuff set overnight for best results. Iwanted a gunmetal finish, and had a bottle of Model Masters Gun Metal Buffing Metalizer specifically formulated for airbrushing. I wanted to test it out first, so I tried it on a couple of Age of Sigmar minis.
I liked the result, so I went ahead and sprayed the Forge Father minis; a Steel Warrior Huscarl, three Steel Warriors, and two Stormrage Veterans.

They came out brighter than I expected, and testing the dark wash on the AoS minis was a bust so I went with dry brushing the crew. This is about the time that I discovered what a pain the Model Masters paint is to get out of the airbrush. (Won't be doing that too much more.) That was also about the time I discovered what a "Buffing Metalizer" was. Apparently you are supposed to buff the paint when it's dry. The act of dry brushing changed the effect on the metal. I kind of like it. 

Above we see a little detail added. Who knew the space dwarves were wearing pants? It wasn't until I started dry-brushing the metal bits that I noticed that their leg armor doesn't cover their pants entirely.

Above is a little more detail added. Texture to the bases and a touch of Chestnut Ink added to the beards. (Yes I still have a tiny bit of a bottle of  Chestnut Ink.) Overall, the bases blend too well with the dark metal armor. I need to do something to differentiate the two.

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