Monday, August 29, 2016

So I May Have a Problem

When I bought the Deadzone starter box, I was drawn to two things. First, I had been looking for sci-fi based skirmish game for a long time. 40K Kill Team didn't quite fit the bill, as it was still a game of using the incredibly nonsensical system of special rules of whatever 40K codex the armies came out of. Like Mordheim, the rules for Deadzone are all in one book, which helps in learning the gameas you are not conastantly moving from book to book to look up rules. Expansions can be added or not, and you can make an effective strike team out of a single box of troops. For example, having never played a game, I was able to make a strike team out of the starter box that I took to a tournament and went 2-2.
 2) Space Dwarves are awesome, at least these are. They don't have the comic look that Squats did, as did so many models of that 40K generation, and the designs are fairly clean and well thought out.

So here we get to the problem. A week ago I decided to go to that tournament. I had five models assembled, so I drew up a strike team using those five models as a base and was able to fit in one more model, which I assembled that day as well. I based them Tuesday, and began painting Wednesday so I could have them painted enough so I wouldn't embarrass myself on Saturday.

Saturday evening and parts of sunday were spent binge watching Daredevil and assembling more Deadzone minis. I've assembled the rest of the boxed set, including terrain, and half of the Forge fathers faction starter as well, along with a couple of Merc models I picked up as swag at the tournament. I've also base coated the Enforcer models that came in the boxed set. Yeah I may have a problem.

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