Friday, March 13, 2015

A week out...

A week out from Lone Wolf GT, and I'm still painting. It's not as bad as normal, though. Usually, be fore the first GT of the year, I'm still in a flurry of painting with at least a full unit or two to go. This time I've got three casters and a war machine to go. I'm about 60-70% done with the casters and 50% done on the war machine. The kicker in this is that my first GT of the year is usually Bayou Battles, in August, and I've debuted a new army at BB each year I've gone. This will be the first year I go there with an army I've played before. 80% of the army was already painted, so I'm rushing at the last minute this year out of laziness.

Also in fun news, I know my first round opponent is bringing Vampire Counts. I'm bringing a 16 comp list and his is 10.4 or so, which means I'm starting the game up 560 points. The self-appointed experts from the Lonehammer podcast predicted a win for me, 3-2. (Of course this means I will likely get tabled.)

A funny thing is that I was called one of the "best players in San Antonio" who they "just can't get to travel." I am assuming that Mr. Cox was either trying  to be funny or was badly, badly misinformed or confused.

Either way, I'm looking forward to the event. It will be my first one played under Swedish Comp, which is why I brought out the Tomb Kings. I was having trouble getting under the 16 point comp max with them, while I couldn't get over the 6 point minimum with my High Elves. I think I could have done fine with my Orc and Goblin army, but I haven dragged out the TKs in a while and they are eye catching.

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